The People for People “Rapid Response” veteran program is set up to provide funds and advocacy when time is of an essence. The goal is to provide these needed services and funds within 24 hours.

Examples would be when a veteran came to us in need of baby formula and diapers since he had run out and lacked the ready funds to purchase them. PfP went shopping and purchased enough formula to last several weeks and a large quantity of diaper. We then took him to WIC to sign up for future formula allotments and other services.

PFP also helps with items such as professional licenses, work clothes and even lap top computers and software that are required for college courses. Over the past year PFP has provided six lap top computer and special software to returning vets entering college.

There are many other items we provide such as portable heaters, food, winter coats and even furniture. The needs are many, and we try to help as much as we can as quickly as we can.